Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Civil Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Civil Rights - Essay Example The government and judicial attitudes towards blacks and other minority group was altered to incorporate the rights of the subjects. Civil rights did not just begin in 1950s,it began when Africans were initially brought to America as slaves. The blacks were the pioneers of the civil rights when fought tirelessly for their enslavement and demanded for their fundamental citizenship rights that was bluntly. This article examines the role and achievements of the civil rights movement. Leaders of the civil rights movement used various strategies to communicate their complaints. Generally, success of the Civil rights Movements were attributed to well coordination of three prong strategy which included civil disobedience, well-articulated grass root organizations and the mass boycotts and economic withdrawal. Some of the strategies used prior to 1955 were litigation and lobbying through the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people between 1896 and 1954. There were powerful combination of gradualism in legal issues and advocacy of far reaching change that was adopted by the initiators of the Brown strategy (Ollhoff, 2011). However, NAACP later employed tactic of directly challenging the constitutionality of â€Å"separate but equal†education.

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